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Our historical story 2024

Datd:2024-03-28 12:27:20

1,Our historical story
Bai Juyi, who lived in the Zhenyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, and his descendants followed Wen Tianxiang to Lingnan at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. When the Young Emperor of the Song Dynasty jumped off a cliff and left, the Song Dynasty came to an end. Among them, descendants of the Bai family sailed from Hong Kong to the South China Sea, crossed the Lingding Ocean, and went all the way south to Peninsular Malaysia to make a living, where they thrived, from farming an acre of land to a thousand acres of palm plantations.
Until the rise of the Four Asian Tigers, the Malay Bai clan had already been involved in international trade, import and export agents, and Nanyang shipping. Became one of the rich and famous local families.
In 1970, one of the women named Bai Yulan followed her brother to start a business in Hong Kong. Later, she married a Hong Kong man named Wei Zhiqiang and gave birth to two sons, one named Wei china and the other named Wei word.
Her brother named the trading firm in Hong Kong topone Development because the ancestors of the Malay Bai family first relied on the Jiufen Mountains and the paddy fields. With 700 years of faith and persistence of this family, and after 30 years of hard work, the current topone Enterprise Group, referred to as topone Group, has been created.
As the two boys of the Wei family grew up, they were wholeheartedly cultivated by Uncle Bai of Malaysia. After graduating from the University of Hong Kong, they entered the topone Enterprise to continue working and training, and gradually became the mainstay and took over the responsibility after the return of Hong Kong in 1997. International logistics Hong Kong affairs at home and abroad, and with the strong support of his uncle, he founded the tobecan International independent brand in 2001, opening up territory and expanding the territory of topone Group.
And it has been operating to this day and is still continuing,

2,About LOGO

The whole is a combination of topone, which is also an artistic way of writing the word "white". When starting with the pen, the word "white" begins, turning into an upward dragon head, which means that as the descendants of the dragon, we have the blood of the dragon flowing. No matter where we are, we have the motherland in our hearts. Never forget China.
Keep going, keep working hard.

It comes from the seal carving font, because that stroke has already become a white dragon, so I specially left out one stroke to show that it comes from one place, has roots together, and does not forget the original intention. It also uses the seal model to interpret China's promise of one seal. , a promise turns into gold, a promise turns into gold, a promise is fulfilled in one step. Remember the mission.
For China and the world.

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